Posts tagged betfair bots
Betfair bots and laying traps that won
Today we propose and analyse another betting strategy often available in Betfair bots. The idea of this betting strategy is to wait until a favourite (in horse racing) or a trap (in greyhounds) hits certain number of wins in a row, then lay this trap or favourite. Another variation is to wait until a favourite loses several times in a row, then place a back bet on it. This strategy supposes that the same selection cannot win or lose again and again many times or at least the chance of this is small. For horse racing the strategy usually uses 1st favourite as selection. We will show you how to set this betting strategy up in 5starbot Betfair bot.
We will bet on greyhounds, placing lay bets on 1st trap when after it hits 2 winners in a row. We will attempt to place only one lay bet in the bot, then wait until next 2 winners in a row and so on. Below are options we use.

We enable the whole feature to make it active. We also tell the Betfair bot to be ‘Currently suspended’ from the start because we don’t place bets until it hits 2 winners in a row. Then we want ‘Suspend by meeting’ to count winners for each meeting (course) name separately, since it is more likely that the same trap or favourite wins twice on different meetings.
The bot has to ‘Resume (start) betting after’ 2 WON consequent bets. The bot has to ‘Suspend betting after’ 1 bet with ANY outcome, because we want to place only 1 lay bet and then wait until another 2 winners in a row.
In the 5star Betfair bot (or any other Betfair bot) we also need to load greyhound races with 1st Trap as selection. Actually you can choose any other trap number because it doesn’t have any difference. What matters is that certain trap should win twice. Also we need to tell the bot to place lay bets. To do that select a lay staking plan, for example, Lay Fixed Liability or Lay Level Stakes.
It is up to you to play with above parameters. For example, you can choose to place lay bet after 3 consecutive winners. Or to place Back bet after 2 consecutive losers. In the last case, change ‘Resume betting after’ from WON to LOST and change your staking plan to one that places Back bets.
5 Tips How To Choose The Right Betting Bot For Betfair
Probably you thought about a betting software and what advantage it can give you. In this article I’ll explain how to choose a right software for your needs.
1. First of all think if you are ready to switch from manual betting to automated betting using a software. Automated betting and using a software requires certain knowledge in betting. At least you should be familiar with Betfair or Betdaq (because most of the software bots that you can find will work only with these two betting exchanges). You should understand how betting exchanges work. If you are a novice in betting world or only start trying Betfair, it is not good idea to immediately get your hands on a betting software or a bot. Most likely it will be hard to understand how the software works and all its options because a bot is usually much more sophisticated than website of a betting exchange (Betfair or Betdaq). So to summarize, you should try bots and software only when you are familiar with all options that Betfair has to offer including lay betting, BSP betting and inplay betting.
2. Trading or betting. You should decide if you want to trade or just bet on Betfair. Because there are basically two different types of betting software. Trading software is good when your objective is to manually trade on Betfair, e.g. place a back bets and then green it up with lay bet on the same horse making a profit. However such software can’t handle betting systems or fallow tipsters. If you want to use a betting system, i.e. automatically place a sequence of bets in different races aiming to make a profit or automatically load selections from a tipster you need a betting bot or Betfair bot. Such software can’t trade but has other advantages like staking plans and sophisticated betting conditions. If you are reading this article, most likely you are a novice and trading will be too difficult for you.
3. Specialized software. It is not possible to have a betting bot that will do everything good. For example, horse racing and football betting are quite different, especially when it comes to inplay betting. So if you are certain you will be betting on football, it’s betting to grab a dedicated betting bot for football markets. Likewise if you are not interested in football betting, look at software that works only with horse racing and greyhounds. You will be able to take most of it then.
4. Mac, Windows or Mobile. There are much bigger choice of betting software made for Windows than for Mac OS. Only few bots are made for mobiles. One of options for Mac users is to rent a VPS (virtual private server) that can host a bot made for Windows. There are, however, bots that you can access from any device (Mac, Windows or Mobile), for example, 5starbot.
5. Price. Basically two options available on the market: Subscription and one time payment. Subscription can be either monthly or annual. Make sure you understand what you get for the price. Some companies stop providing support of the software after 1 year if payment is one off.
And one more tip. Customer support. Contact the company that makes betting software you are considering to buy. Note how prompt they get back to you. This matters because if you have any requests or questions in future, it’s important when someone if around to help you.